Crux Khan
Born in Mumbai, India, on May 15th, 2103, Crux Khan’s early life was marked by tragedy and harsh training. His mother, Sonoya Wu, a Christian missionary in India, was forced to be with his father, Kyren, after the invasion. Sonoya’s love for Crux was profound, but she fled the kingdom when he was only three. Crux’s memories of her are faint, limited to the tender way she looked into his eyes.
Raised by his father to be the perfect leader, Crux’s childhood was consumed by rigorous training. Starting at age five, he and other children were forced to fight each other daily to become great warriors. Crux’s upbringing lacked love and compassion, with a sole focus on progress and results. When not engaged in physical training, he was immersed in battle drills, learning to lead, maneuver, and communicate in combat. Crux’s rapid growth and exceptional abilities soon led him to train with the best in the army.
From birth, Crux was subjected to experiments with the element socostrium, which his father injected into him to enhance his strength. This element altered Crux’s DNA, making his body and mind more resilient. His skin became tougher, his sight sharper, and his muscles grew faster and more powerful.
During his teenage years, Crux mastered various martial arts and melee weapons, striving for perfection to please his father. By age 16, he had nearly achieved expert status in each discipline. The fear of failing his father drove him to succeed; any sign of weakness resulted in beatings and isolation.
Crux fought in his first battle at 17, killing many men. While his father was pleased with the victory, Crux felt broken. Despite feeling that hurting others was wrong, he believed he had no choice but to continue fighting for his father and the empire. He decided that when he became king, he would change things for the better.